web designing

Web Designing

Web designing means designing the website to show on the internet. It possesses different skills in the production and maintenance of websites. Web designing concentrates on designing desktop browsers however, since the decade, the design of mobiles has also been increasing.

Web design areas include graphic design, user interface design, user experience design, SEO, etc. It usually focuses on website development rather than software development. The work of a web designer includes the appearance, layout and content of the website. Appearance relates to colour, font and image, while layout refers to how information is categorized.

Web designing goals are simple to use, eliminating unnecessary information and removing functions that disturb the users. There are two methods to develop websites for both desktop and mobiles namely responsive design and adaptive design. In responsive design, the content moves according to the size and in adaptive design, content follows a fixed size.

There are two ways to generate websites. They are static websites and dynamic websites.

Static Websites

Static Websites stores web pages that consist of fixed content. Every web page is made by HTML code and shows the same content to visitors. The content in web pages does not change except when the webmaster updates it. The advantages of a static website are simple to host, requires less server administration and less chances of security problems. It also serves pages fastly with low cost server hardware.

Dynamic Websites

A dynamic Website is the collection of websites that are generated in real-time. Usually, a dynamic website changes information according to viewers, time of the day, time zone and other factors. To generate changing content, dynamic websites use server side-scripting or client-side scripting. These sites use HTML for basic structure and include javascript or another scripting to change the data. Scripts can run on the server that hosts the page with server-side scripting. The process of how a page is built is fixed by the parameters present in server-side scripting.

Technologies in Web Designing


HTML means HyperText Markup Language. With the help of HTML, structure of a website can be defined. It allows to

  • ● Publish documents with headings, text, tables, images, etc.
  • ● Provide information with the help of hyperlinks
  • ● Creating forms for transactions, searching information, ordering products etc.
  • ● Involve spreadsheets, video and audio clips directly on documents.


CSS means Cascading Style Sheets. It includes the presentation of websites like colour, font, etc. CSS is independent of HTML and can habituate with large or small screens. The separation of HTML and CSS makes it simpler to maintain websites and adjust pages according to the environment.


Javascript is a logical programming language and adapted to modify website content and behave in different ways to the user's actions. It is supported by modern browsers and more complicated than HTML and CSS. The use of Javascript is confirmation boxes, calls to action, and adding identities to existing data.

Programming Languages

Programming Languages transmit computers and tell computers what to do, There are few programming languages that help in web designing. They are Python, Ruby, Swift, objective c, java, etc.

EduXFactor is the leading institute for web designing in the hyderabad. Our trainers are professionals and create content according to the industry level. Our training covers all aspects of coding, testing and designing.

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web desigining and its methods

Web Designing and its methods

Web designing means designing the website to show on the internet. It possesses different skills in the production and maintenance of websites.

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